If it doesn’t nourish your soul. Let it go.
Closet Editing is a cleansing detoxification for your wardrobe. Together we will edit, organizing and categorizing your wardrobe into pieces you love and pieces that no longer serve you.
In the Closet Editing sessions, we will decide what to keep, what needs alterations, what to donate or consign and what to add to your shopping list. During this entire process you will continue to discover what works best for your body type and what doesn’t, and most importantly, “why” it does or doesn’t work. Creating a closet that is harmonious, peaceful and purposeful.
A space you love filled with outfits and looks that reflect you.
How do I get started?
Step 1: Connect with us today! Call us directly at 602-909-6771.
Step 2: Fill out the form to set up a one-on-one appointment with your personal stylist or call us directly to book your consultation at 602-909-6771.
Step 3: Let the transformation and fun begin through a grace filled and encouraging environment I am more then just your stylist I am your “girlfriend”.